Happy Gregorian New Year! (or New Year’s eve for those of us west of the international date line)
It’s unclear exactly why this date became the annual marker. Is it because Sirius reaches the meridian in the sky at midnight around this time? Is Earth really at its perihelion at this time? Or, being that it is the calendar established by the Vatican, could it be because it would mark 8 completed days from Christ’s birthday – the day in which he would’ve been circumcised?
In any case, if you’re getting this newsletter then you already know: There’s a better way! Get a 13 Moon Calendar 😇
Here’s a fun exercise: Locating annual “holidays” in the 13 Moon Calendar. Each day of the year will always be one of four solar seals. Take a peek at a bunch of examples:
- 1 Jan – “New Year’s Day” – Red Skywalker, White Mirror, Blue Night or Yellow Star
- 20 Jan – “Inauguration Day” – Red Earth, White Wind, Blue Hand or Yellow Human
- 2 Feb – “Groundhog Day” – Red Serpent, White Dog, Blue Eagle or Yellow Sun
- 14 Feb – “Valentine’s Day” – Red Earth, White Wind, Blue Hand or Yellow Human
- 17 Mar – “St. Patrick’s Day” – Red Skywalker, White Mirror, Blue Night or Yellow Star
- 5 May – “Cinco de Mayo” – Red Earth, White Wind, Blue Hand or Yellow Human
- 6 Jun – “D-Day” – Red Moon, White Wizard, Blue Storm or Yellow Seed
- 11 Jun – “Kamehameha Day” – Red Moon, White Wizard, Blue Storm or Yellow Seed
- 19 Jun – “Juneteenth” – Red Earth, White Wind, Blue Hand or Yellow Human
- 4 Jul – “Independence Day” – Red Earth, White Wind, Blue Hand or Yellow Human
- 7 Aug – “Purple Heart Day” – Red Dragon, White Worldbridger, Blue Monkey or Yellow Warrior
- 19 Aug – “National Aviation Day” – Red Skywalker, White Mirror, Blue Night or Yellow Star
- 26 Aug – “Women’s Equality Day” – Red Serpent, White Dog, Blue Eagle or Yellow Sun
- 11 Sep – “Patriot Day” – Red Dragon, White Worldbridger, Blue Monkey or Yellow Warrior
- 31 Oct – “Halloween” – Red Dragon, White Worldbridger, Blue Monkey or Yellow Warrior
- 25 Dec – “Christmas” – Red Dragon, White Worldbridger, Blue Monkey or Yellow Warrior
- 31 Dec – “New Year’s Eve” – Red Earth, White Wind, Blue Hand or Yellow Human
Obviously, many of these are just holidays in the United States. So I would encourage you to find the annual holidays in your country.
Pro tip: Don’t bother doing this for holidays that are a specific day of the week in the month – like the 3rd Saturday in September or whatever. The Gregorian calendar is crooked, so those holidays always float – they’re always different days of the month. Instead, locate holidays that are always the same day of the same month, every year.
Once you’ve made this list, it is easy to find the four solar seals that code each day. First, download the free 13 Moon pocket calendar from the Foundation for the Law of Time. Find the date you seek and take note of which solar seal that day is. Next, find that seal in the chart below: The horizontal row that day is located in shows you the four solar seals that the holiday will always be coded by.

For example, find January 1, New Year’s day. You’ll see it is coded by the Blue Night solar seal. Find the Blue Night in the diagram above and you see it is in the same row with the Yellow Star, Red Skywalker and White Mirror. New Year’s day will always be one of those four seals.
As you can see from the diagram, these sets of four are called “Earth Families” – each with their own unique characteristic. Going back to our example: January 1, New Year’s Day is always coded by the “Signal Earth Family” – with the code Unravel the mystery…
It’s also fun that “Halloween” is always a Red Dragon, White Worldbridger (“death”), Blue Monkey (“play”) or Yellow Warrior (“fearlessness”).
Maybe you’re beginning to see the fun you can have looking at this.
Another one of my favorite examples is “Valentine’s Day” – always February 14 (2/14), which is always Galactic Moon 8 (8.8) on the 13 Moon Calendar. Well, it’s always coded by the “Core Earth Family” which corresponds to the Heart chakra. 💘
This is a small example of how the synchronic order – or matrix of synchronicity – has always been informing third-dimensional phenomena whether we knew it or not.
And for any other numberphiles out there, check this out:
February 14 (2/14) = Galactic Moon 8 (8.8)
2 + 14 = 8 + 8 = 16 = 4×4. How many chambers does the human heart have? 😉
So make your own list of anniversaries or annual holidays. It doesn’t even have to be “holidays” per se, maybe it is just a day that is special to you. Find the Earth Family Codes for those days to deepen your multidimensional perspective of them. See what you notice and feel.