Have you ever seen those articles that aim to divine what the year is going to be about? Like “2015 is the Year of Pancakes!” or “Here comes 2016, the Year to Throw Away Old Clothes!”…
Personally, I tend to feel a little dubious about these kinds of broad sweeping predictions and always take them with a grain of salt. So I hope you’ll do the same with today’s article!
I’m not really in the habit of doing public “oracles” or “divinations” – partly because I don’t want to be responsible for any mis-interpretations I may have(!) and partly because I feel that divination is really an act of self-reflection. In other words, to me, anything that could even vaguely be described as divination is totally about self-empowerment.
But, I thought you may enjoy seeing an example of doing with this the 13 Moon Calendar. So, I’m going to take a stab at sharing my thoughts and reflections on this 13 Moon Calendar year – the Blue Spectral Storm Year (woah!) – and make a flailing attempt at peering “into the future” through reflecting on the codes for the upcoming Yellow Crystal Seed year.
If you’re not yet following a 13 Moon calendar, you may be wondering why I’m talking about a New Year. Well, get your 13 Moon calendar or download a free one compliments of the Foundation for the Law of Time The 13 Moon new year is July 26 every year – so yeah, this is like a 13 Moon year in review and upcoming year pre-view!
Every year in the 13 Moon Calendar has a unique “code” which includes number, color and also archetypal key words and concepts.
For example, the current year is the Blue Spectral Storm year, with the code:
I dissolve in order to catalyze
Releasing energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the spectral tone of liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled
Remember: This code pertains to the 13 Moon year, which spans from July 26, 2016 – July 25, 2017.
To explore this you might like to review events (personal or world) from that time-span through the lens of the above code, also called a synchronicity command. I’ll share with you an example of doing just this, by reviewing my Spectral Storm Year. (Note: The following is what this code says to ME, for me personally, from my own experience)
I dissolve in order to catalyze:
Pertaining to this very newsletter, and the 13 Moon video course that I finally made. This year I dissolved the sticky glue of inhibitions within me, in order to catalyze/kick-off something new, and therefore:
Releasing energy:
I released what was inside of me, knowledge and experience about the 13 Moon Calendar, in the form of a newsletter, and multiple courses.
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the spectral tone of liberation:
These third and fourth lines of any code of any galactic signature tend to be the most mystifying. Suffice it to say that I established a system (matrix) for writing, refining and releasing my writings and videos (self-generation), and that was all flavored by liberation – which, for me, meant releasing myself from any petty perfectionisms that kept me from just GETTING IT OUT THERE. To this end I’ve embraced an oft-repeated phrase by entrepreneur Jason Zook: “Done is better than perfect.”
I am guided by my own power doubled:
In creating all this stuff I followed my own rules, and I found I had much more fun in the process as a result of that! Also, it took some persistent and ongoing internal self-encouragement to just get it going. It may sound cliche, but: Often the only thing in our way is our self.
PICTURE BREAK! Special thanks to Anita for sharing these awesome pics!

She says: Thought I’d share a photo of one of the things I do each morning… My girls love arranging them …. even in the process of removal/placement of the stones patterns appear. …the Skywalker wavespell on my mind so thought I’d make a lantern from a can 🙂
Welcome back! So we just finished an example of looking backward. Maybe it was selfish to write all that about my own stuff. But maybe reading it has given you some idea of how you could do the same for yourself! 😎
Now… I’ll take a dive into the upcoming year to see what I can glean. At this point I will say this is totally experimental. So if you’re not too interested in watching me fall in my face through words, then you can read an excellent view into the upcoming year here, by Stephanie South.
So, here goes!
The upcoming year is the Yellow Crystal Seed, with the following code:
I dedicate in order to target
Universalizing awareness
I seal the input of flowering
With the crystal tone of cooperation
I am guided by the power of intelligence
I am a galactic activation portal enter me
I dedicate in order to target
I’m going to use dictionary definitions to explore the key words here…
Dedicate: devote (something) to a particular subject or purpose.
Target: select as an object of attention.
So, to me, this simply indicates a time of focusing on something specific.
Universalizing awareness
Universalize: bring into universal use; make available for all.
Awareness: knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
A process of universalizing awareness might look like sweeping education or a collective realization about something.
Or, perhaps more personally, this may indicate shining light onto our own blind-spots to make our behavior more conscious (or less automatic).
I seal the input of flowering
With the crystal tone of cooperation
Again, these two lines are always a bit of a stretch (in a good way, like yoga!). Interestingly, in the typical diatonic scale (do, re, mi, etc) it is the third and fourth notes that introduce the first dissonance: A sound that just “feels wrong” (but in a good way,… like yoga! )
Seal: to assure, confirm, or bind with; authorize, endorse.
*Input: (noun) a place where energy or information enters a system.
*Input: (verb) to enter into a data processing system.
Flowering: to come out into full development; mature.
Cooperation: the process of working together to the same end.
*I’ve used electronics-related definitions for input here, because I think these work nicely for our own “systems” (brain, emotional, psyche, sensory, etc.)
Okay… So this is quite tricky! Some thing, or act of, coming into full maturity is confirmed, impressed (or flavored?) by working together to the same end. Seems very powerful in the sense of pointing toward a sort of widespread cooperation coming into maturity? Or perhaps in our own lives finding how we can cooperate with those around us to realize the highest or most matured expression of “our story”?
I am guided by the power of intelligence
Pretty self-explanatory…
I am a galactic activation portal enter me
I told you I would be flailing here! Feel free to tell me what the code for Yellow Crystal Seed means TO YOU for the upcoming year