Isn’t it amazing to be a human? Several Buddhists texts include the exclamation ema ho. Roughly translated it means “how wonderful!” But its deeper nuance is an expression of sheer awe that any of this exists at all, including us to experience it. Do you ever just stop and contemplate what it is being this thing we call “human”? And maybe, where we are going?
I often wonder if the human being has already reached the limit of its physical evolution… Sure, maybe we’ll eventually stop growing wisdom teeth or other such minor modifications. But if I may speculate wildly – hang on a sec! This is my newsletter, of course I may! Anyway, for all intents and purposes, we are at a point where further physical evolution may be unnecessary. Even from a natural selection point of view!
After all, we’ve adapted to all climates and don’t really have any survival imperative to mutate… (No naturally occurring imperatives anyway – we’re plenty threatened by our own devices, which is a whole can of worms unto itself…!)
So, for the sake of argument (and to give me license to follow this stream of thought) let’s just agree we really have reached the upper limit of our physical evolutionary requirements. Could this mean the next stages in our evolution will be internal evolution? An evolutionary improvement of our mind and being. Or in a word: wisdom.
This is in stark contrast to a couple commonly discussed options of progressing as a species. On one hand you have the notion of putting our consciousness into computers and leaving behind the human body entirely. On the other, exodus from Earth to another habitable planet. Actually, these are two sides of the same coin: radically relying upon technology for human progress.
Frankly, to me, these two ideas add up to nothing more than running away from our problems while completely ignoring individual and collective growth and maturation.
It fascinates (and, yes, disturbs) me to be alive at a point in history where such ideas are being given serious consideration. And by some these are presented as the only path forward for humanity.
This is simply an unconscious adherence to the overtly materialistic and externalized modus operandi of our civilization (in general). Ever since the time of the industrial revolution our external acceleration has been cozying up to an exponential curve leading straight up into the impenetrable ceiling of our own internal limitations.
An internal evolution (or as the Cosmic History Chronicles calls it: spiritual/mental evolution) means a turning inward of our priorities. Fact is, the internal realms are as boundless as cosmic space – and we have barely scratched the surface of exploring this.
However, for the most part, just about every ancient, indigenous culture’s primary focus was in fact the internal realms. But with the rise of industry and imperial-type dominance we threw the baby out with the bathwater: All but completely eschewing (and in some cases, all but completely destroying) the wisdom of those ancient cultures.
When the people’s focus is on the internal, even a (so called) primitive culture is already on an evolutionary path. And: If the primary occupation of a culture revolves around the deeper mysteries of life, not only does this dissolve superfluous material complexities of a society, but it cultivates a more dignified and unified people.
As a planetary culture we are scarcely adolescent, toddler even. The mainstream narrative, especially political, seems unable to grasp let alone cope with what it means to be a planetary being. Yet, that is exactly what we are. And, if we’re really being honest, on some level, some part of our being is completely aware of, processing, feeling or attuned to all the life on Earth.
Therefore some part of us is always acutely aware of how petty and meaningless all wars and conflicts are. This, coupled with knowing these wars are the primary causes of needless injustice and suffering in our world, can make for a fairly grim backdrop.
It is time to get back to the internal realms. To once again raise them up as the highest value of our planetary culture.
This is a central purpose of the 13 Moon Calendar. It is a trigger for your internal self-reflection. The synchronicities, symbols and patterns connect directly to your internal experience: Only through self-inquiry and self-reflection can you glean some meaning from them, and illuminate a path to the future that lies within. This is far different than warring endlessly for resources to see who can colonize another planet first. Or making a hyper-intelligent algorithm to replace human consciousness (rather: to approximate the human ego).
One person at a time, one day at a time, we can build momentum toward prioritizing the internal realms and ever-more clearly hear the message in our hearts. The 13 Moon Calendar is one tool to help with this process. I invite you to utilize it along with any other self-cultivation practices you have to further amplify the signal of the inner voice.