We are all moving, resonant vibrations. Sounds, tones, seeking resolution and harmony. The next octave, the ideal key change in the symphony of our unfoldment.
Flowery words notwithstanding, much more than your body you are a registration of your soul’s original template. Incarnate now, incarnate here for a reason. The energy you carry can bring healing and be healed, through authentic resonance with each and any soul.
“In Lak’ech” – the Mayan greeting roughly meaning “I am another you” is more than a greeting. To me, living “In Lak’ech” means accepting the holographic nature of reality. The part is in the whole, the whole is in the part. What you perceive outside is a reflection of the inside. What you realize within echoes outward.
In the 13 Moon Calendar every person has a galactic signature. And since every galactic signature is included in the harmonic index of all signatures, each signature has a specific interval between it and every other signature. This is the fundamental basis of all the signatures’ interconnectedness, both to each other and to the holographic matrix foundation of multidimensionality.
And since each day has a signature as well, we experience the codes as both container and contained, the context and the subject – day by day, heptad by heptad, wavespell by wavespell, moon by moon, season by season, spin by spin, year by year.
Through consistent daily use of the 13 Moon Calendar, a tool for cultivation of cosmic perceptions, we can begin to experience the holographic nature of reality. When in a state of continuing consciousness, everything you perceive and experience becomes a communion and communication between your internal journey and the external world.
And in particular, human relationships become, or can become, something much more than most imagine.
For example, sometimes we have an exchange or encounter with someone and we are left with a strong feeling inside. No need to name it, except perhaps as a sensation. Typical and frankly unuseful lexicon might call it a pit in the stomach, or butterflies, or a broken heart. But there is much more to it.
You’ll know these feelings by the complex, multilayered nature – more rich than what we call basic emotions. These feelings are almost impossible to articulate in words in the typical sense of “sharing your feelings”.
Look again at the sensations you receive, impressions from your communion with another soul, “another you”. Some we encounter will shine a light deep within us. Turning to the sensation with fearless curiosity we can come into contact with some of our deeper subconscious drivers and perhaps transfigure our inner demons into a muse of self-knowledge.
Maintaining equanimity, observing and probing these bundles of sensation ultimately sparks transformation and new creation. Sensation is a source of creation, but when we name these deep sensations with a single word, we risk losing the opportunity to unravel them to their core.
When something plucks your heart strings, there is something inside wishing to sing. When the butterflies fill your stomach, it is something inside of you ready to fly free.
Our world is filled with distractions. And recently I got the palpable sense of how what we now call entertainment can almost yank you right out of very deep states of introspection. Their (typically) sensational, indulgent or decadent emotional sequences can drown out or effectively replace your internal exploration of the feelings (and revelation of the treasures) within you.
Bundles of feelings are like stars coming into being, but they require the vacuum of your open present awareness – they need space – to grow.
The treasure box can be opened by yourself. Though sometimes a feeling may strongly seem to be a kind of circuit between you and another you. If there’s receptivity, trust and curiosity and a willingness to think new thoughts – you just might see a new facet of how one another are reflections of the One Soul.
I wonder if this might be a facet of what the Law of Time refers to as galactic culture. Imagine the planet filled with absolute trust – such treasures, magic and beauty we would create through our mutually inspired self-reflection.